LCN 4030 Series
The 4031 is a cast iron, universal closer designed specifically for doors in moderate traffic conditions.
This versatile closer complements the rest of the heavy duty 4000 Series and offers the choice of three mountings and multiple arm options.

- Specifications
- Options
- Finishes
- Downloads

4030-3077 arm

4030-3077 arm
Non-handed arm mounts hinge side or top jamb
P4031 closer includes PA SHOE
4030-62PA required for parallel arm mounting
P4031 closer includes PA SHOE
4030-62PA required for parallel arm mounting

4030-3077LD arm

4030-3077LD arm
Non-handed stamped arm
Mounts hinge side, top jamb or parallel arm (62PA required)
Mounts hinge side, top jamb or parallel arm (62PA required)

4030-3077L arm

4030-3077L arm
Non-handed arm with long rod and shoe
For top jamb mount with deep reveals
For top jamb mount with deep reveals

4030-3049 arm

4030-3049 arm
Non-handed arm mounts hinge side, top jamb or parallel arm (62PA required)
Hold-open adjustable at shoe
Hold-open adjustable at shoe

4030-3049L arm

4030-3049L arm
Non-handed arm with long head and tube
For top jamb mount with deep reveals
For top jamb mount with deep reveals

4030-3077EDA arm

4030-3077EDA arm
Non-handed heavy duty parallel arm
Solid forged steel main and forearm for potentially abusive installations
Solid forged steel main and forearm for potentially abusive installations

4030-3077CNS arm

4030-3077CNS arm
CUSH-N-STOP® non-handed parallel arm
Solid forged steel main arm and forearm with stop in soffit shoe
Solid forged steel main arm and forearm with stop in soffit shoe

4030-3049CNS arm

4030-3049CNS arm
Non-handed arm with hold-open function with templated stop/hold-open points
Handle controls hold-open function
Handle controls hold-open function

4030-3077SCNS arm

4030-3077SCNS arm
Non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications
Solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in soffit shoe
Solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in soffit shoe

4030-3049SCNS arm

4030-3049SCNS arm
Non-handed parallel arm for abusive applications
Solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in soffit shoe
Handle controls hold-open function
Solid forged steel main arm and forearm with spring loaded stop in soffit shoe
Handle controls hold-open function

4030-18TJ plate

4030-18TJ plate
Required for top jamb mounting where head frame is less than 2-1/4” or flush ceiling condition exists
Plate requires 1-1/2” minimum
Plate requires 1-1/2” minimum

4030-18PA plate

4030-18PA plate
Required for parallel arm mounting where top rail is less than 5”, measured from the stop
Plate requires 1-3/4” minimum
Plate requires 1-3/4” minimum

4030-30 support

4030-30 support
Provide anchorage for 5th screw used with CUSH arms, where reveal is less than 3-1/16”

4030-62A shoe

4030-62A shoe
Requires top rail of 7”
Optional shoe replaces -62PA for parallel arm mounting of regular arm with some overhead holder/stop
Optional shoe replaces -62PA for parallel arm mounting of regular arm with some overhead holder/stop

4030-418 adapter

4030-418 adapter
Provides horizontal mounting surface for parallel arm shoe on single rabetted or flush frame

4030-419 adapter

4030-419 adapter
Provides horizontal mounting surface for CUSH shoe on single rabetted or flush frame