LCN 4010 Series
The 4010 SMOOTHEE® is LCN’s best performing heavy duty closer designed specifically for institutional and other rugged high traffic applications.

- Specifications
- Options
- Finishes
- Downloads

4010-72MC cover

4010-72MC cover
Handed cover
Required for plated finishes and custom powder coat finishes

4010-3049H180 arm

4010-3049H180 arm
Handed arm with hold-open function up to 180°, adjustable at shoe
Closer must be mounted on 4010-11 corner bracket

4010-3049FL arm

4010-3049FL arm
Handed arm releases hold-open function when exposed to temperatures above 165° F
1/8” maximum reveal
NOTE: Check local codes before specifing FL arms

4010-18 plate

4010-18 plate
Required where top rail is less than 3-3/4”
Requires minimum 2” top rail

4010-11 bracket

4010-11 bracket
For doors where top jamb or parallel arm mounted closer cannot be used
Allows 180° opening with regular or H180 hold-open arm
Projects 5” from stop, 13-11/16” from frame
Requires opposite hand closer

4010-16 bracket

4010-16 bracket
For doors where top jamb or parallel arm mounted closer cannot be used
Allows 125° opening with regular arm or 100° with hold-open or fusible link arm
Projects 5” from stop, 12-13/16” from frame
Requires opposite hand closer

4010-17 bracket

4010-17 bracket
Allows 110° opening with regular arm
Designed to lower closer on door for clearance of auxiliary door holders
Projects 6-3/8” from stop, 13-11/16” from frame
Requires opposite hand closer